Gear Apps 应用

Mi Secreto 1.0
Gear Apps
"Mi Secreto" es una red social dedicada acompartir secretos de manera anónima. Cuéntale al mundo esas cosasque solo podrías decir desde el anonimato y observa que comenta lacomunidad sobre tus secretos.Y si eres de esos que les gusta mirar, aprovecha las variadascategorías que ofrece "Mi Secreto" para explorar y divertirte conanécdotas que escriban los demás.Mira, explora, da me gusta, comparte y comenta los cientos desecretos que te esperan en esta aplicación."My Secret" is a socialnetwork dedicated to sharing secrets anonymously. Tell the worldthose things you could only say on condition of anonymity said,noting that the community about your secrets.And if you're one of those who like to look, take advantage of thevarious categories offered "My Secret" to explore and have fun withothers to write stories.Look, explores, I do like, share and comment on hundreds ofsecrets that await you in this application.
Sopa (de letras) 1.1.5
Gear Apps
Sopa es la clásica sopa de letras convertidaen un divertido juego uno contra uno.Compite con tus amigos resolviendo la misma sopa y las mismaspalabras, en el menor tiempo posible.Tendrás 30 segundos por palabra, el jugador mas hábil y rápido sequedara con el round.Cada partida es de 3 rounds y en cada uno podrás ayudarte conpoderes que te guiaran o darán ventaja sobre tu oponente.***** IDIOMA *****Actualmente SOPA se encuentra en Castellano. Próximamente seincorporarán Ingles y Portugués.*****FASE DE INGRESO*****En este momento SOPA tiene pocos usuarios y para poder seguircreciendo te pedimos que te quedes y nos recomiendes con tusamigos. Así existirán mas variantes de jugadores para competir. Amedida que pase el tiempo iremos recompensado a los primerosusuarios activos.Soup is the classic soupletters turned into a fun game one on one.Compete with your friends by solving the same soup and the samewords, in the shortest time possible.You will have 30 seconds per word, the most skillful and fastplayer to stay with the round.Each game is 3 rounds and each with powers that can help guide youor give you an advantage over your opponent.LANGUAGE ***** *****Currently SOPA is in Castilian. Coming soon will be incorporatedEnglish and Portuguese.PHASE ENTRY ***** *****SOPA currently has few users and in order to grow we ask you tostay and recommend us to your friends. So there will be morevariants of players to compete. As time goes on we will be rewardedto the first active users.
Bitcoin Today 1.1
Gear Apps
With Bitcoin Today you can have instantlytheprice of the Bitcoin. Segmented in three types:Ticker: Represent only currencies that are directly tradedtoBitcoin and thus have actual markets of its own.Global: It is the average of the bitcoin prices all overtheinternet.Exchanges: Shows the last, ask and bid for 20differentwebsites.
Monzzle 3.0
Gear Apps
Monzzle is a puzzle that consists ofcompletingthe entire board one color in 21 moves. To do this, eachturn youmust choose the correct monster you change the color andso build onthose of the same color are at your sides.★★★ FREAPP (App of the day) ★★★"...Best features: funny characters, gorgeous sounds,beautifulgraphics, addicting gameplay, completely FREE toplay."
Pasa el Mate 1.0
Gear Apps
Utiliza tu Android como GPS en la ronda dematecon amigos o familia. Cargá las personas que toman mate y tocáelmate de tu Android cada vez que sebes uno real. La vozdeldispositivo te dirá a quien le corresponde tomar, así teolvidarasde ... "¿Ha quien le tocaba el mate?"Ademas de poner un modo aleatorio que seleccionará una personaalazar para que le toque tomar mate.Use your Android asGPSmatte round with friends or family. Charge up people takingmatteand matte touches your Android whenever sebes real one.Thedevice's voice will tell you who gets to make, and you forgetabout... "Have you played the mate who would?"Besides putting a randomly will select a random person to touchyoudrink mate.